Monday, January 17, 2005

Albert Pike

Mehr Licht!
More Light!

Number 2 -- January 17, 2005

On January 6, 1910 the centennial celebration of the birth of Albert Pike was held at the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C. Brother Albert Pike was born December 29, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts, so while the celebration in 1910 was to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth, this past December 29th was the 195th anniversary of his birth.

For the 100th anniversary there was a program of the day’s events produced in the form of a souvenir book, which contains the orations of the Brothers who spoke that day. Brother and Reverend Dr. Abram Simon 33° spoke about Albert Pike, The Prophet of Masonry. In Brother Simon’s oration he mentioned Freemasonry and religion, which I will reproduce here; I think it is interesting.

Brother Simon begins his piece telling us what he means by prophet: “A prophet is the creator of one and the creature of the newer age. He represents the culmination of past forces, and the starting point of the new epoch. He does not build entirely new landmarks, nor does he even uproot the old. He removes the crumbling stones or rotting timber, to fit them with fresh material as a better protection and signpost. Upon the foundations of the past he builds a lordlier structure, bearing throughout the stamp of his individuality. While listening to the call of the past as well as to that of the present, it is the voice of his imperious conscience which has the most insistent and eloquent power. Everything is stamped with the die of his splendid personality. What he does is not new; it is renewed.”

“Without calling Masonry a religion, he took it as seriously as if it were one. He sincerely felt that it bore the impress, the signet, the sanction of God. He believed in its future destiny as one of the world’s greatest levers for the uprooting of error, superstition, and hatred. He made it more possible for thousands of men of variant creeds to meet in the Capitol of universal democracy and civic patriotism. Many stones were cast at him and at his message; but Albert Pike, the Mason, covering these stones with the structural mortar of fraternity, squaring and plumbing them along the line of righteous toleration, fitted them accurately and consistently into the edifice of speculative Masonry.”

“Hence, Masonry stands to-day between the church and the state with its two arms around the necks of both in friendly and cooperative embrace. No sect, no party, no home needs fear the entrance, the enthusiasm, and the ethical persuasion of Masonry. To all religions, to all governments, to all human institutions Masonry holds aloft the welcoming torch, blazing forth this appeal; ‘Blessed be the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of God.”

“A slab in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, marking the resting-place of its famous architect, Sir Christopher Wren, contains this very appropriate epitaph: “Si monumentum requires, circumspice” – ‘if you would seek his monument, look about you.”

“See ye now the monument of him who found Masonry hoary with ancient tradition and left it drinking at the fount of Perpetual Youth? Look ye for any one structure or stately pile of stone? Ye look in vain! Seek ye rather the monument which he himself has reared during his own lifetime, and carved out of the quarry of his adamantine spirit, and with the diamond pointed chisel of his intellect! Brothers he himself has shown you where to find it. He once wrote, “When I am dead I wish that my monument be builded only in the hearts and memories of my brethren of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.” Now, seek ye his monument! Look about you! The great Masonic Temple, built of thousands of throbbing human beings; the great Masonic Temple, reared on the lands of the entire inhabited globe; the great Masonic Temple down whose vaulted aisles the swelling anthem of fraternity rolls in widening waves of rhythmic power, is the breathing, exulting, triumphant, monument to Albert Pike, the Prophet of Masonry.”

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Ed Halpaus


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Benjamin Franklin

Mehr Licht!
More Light!

Number 1 -- January 11, 2005

From the book “From Boyhood to Manhood – Life of Benjamin Franklin” by William M. Thayer, (William Makepeace)

In 1738 Brother Franklin’s parents had become concerned about him and his ideas, and wrote to him about it. The author of the book tells us the letter from his parents was not preserved, but the letter Brother Franklin wrote in response was preserved. His letter to them shows our Brother to be more reverent and thoughtful that they thought he was; which I am sure brought them great relief. The letters also show his high regard for his parents, which also is what one would expect from a Freemason. Here is his letter.

"PHILADELPHIA, April 13, 1738.

"Honored Father,
I have your favors of the 21st of March, in which you both seem concerned lest I have imbibed some erroneous opinions. Doubtless I have my share, and when the natural weakness and imperfection of human understanding is considered, the unavoidable influence of education, custom, books, and company, upon our ways of thinking, I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all the doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false. And, perhaps, the same may be justly said of every sect, church, and society of men, when they assume to themselves that infallibility which they deny to the pope and councils.
"I think opinions should be judged of by their influences and effects; and if man holds none that tend to make him less virtuous or more vicious, it may be concluded he holds none that are dangerous, which, I hope, is the case with me.
"I am sorry you should have any uneasiness on my account, and, if it were a thing possible for one to alter his opinions in order to please another's, I know none whom I ought more willingly to oblige in that respect than yourselves. But, since it is no more in a man's power to think than to look like another, methinks all that should be expected from me is to keep my mind open to conviction; to hear patiently, and examine attentively, whatever is offered me for that end; and, if after all I continue in the same errors, I believe your usual charity will induce you rather to pity and excuse than blame me; in the mean time your care and concern for me is what I am very thankful for.
"My mother grieves that one of her sons is an Arian, another an Arminian; what an Arminian or an Arian is, I can not say that I very well know. The truth is, I make such distinctions very little my study. I think vital religion has always suffered when orthodoxy is more regarded than virtue; and the Scriptures assure me that at the last day we shall not be examined what we thought, but what we did; and our recommendation will not be that we said, Lord! Lord! but that we did good to our fellow-creatures. See Matt. xx.
"As to the free masons, I know no way of giving my mother a better account of them than she seems to have at present (since it is not allowed that women should be admitted into that secret society). She has, I must confess, on that account, some reason to be displeased with it; but, for any thing else, I must entreat her to suspend her judgment till she is better informed, unless she will believe me when I assure her that they are in general a very harmless sort of people, and have no principles or practices that are inconsistent with religion and good manners.


Every now and then I come across information that I think Masons will be interested in. That is what the publication More Light is for. More Light or Mehr Licht is a new publication for information that you can subscribe to. It will be published no more often than once a week but at least once a month. If you like “More Light” please share it with others. To subscribe just send an e-mail to with subscribe, or 'all 3, in the subject box and I will add you to the list to receive it.

Ed Halpaus
