Monday, November 28, 2005

Masons are being watched

Mehr Licht!
More Light!

Number 47 – November 28, 2005

Thanks to Worshipful Brother Thomas Hendrickson, Senior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, and Lodge Education Officer of Cataract Lodge #2 of the GL of Minnesota, for pointing out this statute of Minnesota Law about it being illegal in Minnesota to wear a Masonic emblem if a person is not a Freemason. [Emphasis added by me.]

Statute 333.135 Improper use of insignia.

Every person who shall willfully wear the insignia or rosette of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, or the badge or button of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, or of any other veterans' organization, or any similitude thereof; or who shall willfully wear any badge, emblem, or insignia pertaining to the order of Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, or any other secret order or society, or any similitude thereof; or who shall use any such badge, button, or insignia to obtain aid or assistance, or who shall use the name of any such order or society for gain, unless entitled to so use the same under the constitution, bylaws, rules, and regulations of such order, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 60 days or by a fine of not more than $50 or by both.

From the October 1989 issue of The Trestle Board of the St. Paul Masonic Bodies.

Masons Are Being Watched
By Anonymous

Masons are being watched. Our Masonic Temples, Lodge Halls, Shrine Temples are being observed by the curious eyes of John Q. Public who wonders "what goes on in there?"
A deteriorated, sloppy, unpainted, and unsightly building that houses us is looked upon by many people as reflecting the image of the people it represents.
People gather an idea of what Masons are by what they see. It is up to all of us to do what we can to improve the image of ourselves, our buildings and grounds, and to see that they are well kept and maintained. Some replaced and relocated. Sight recognition is one of the most important assets that any film star can have to gauge his popularity with the public. Likewise, our Fraternity should demonstrate that we are as squared away ourselves as we would want any new members to be.
In any venture, the quality of the environment in which the venture is conducted contributes, in direct proportion to the quality, to the success or failure of the venture. Thus, our physical facilities must be compatible and conducive to the fulfillment of our purposes and objectives.
TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT YOURSELF! YOU Are Somebody's Impression Of Masonry!

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Ed Halpaus


Monday, November 07, 2005

What Money Can't Buy

Mehr Licht!
More Light!

Number 44 – November 7, 2005

A poem I thought you would like that I found among my Mother’s papers.

What Money Can't Buy

By an Anonymous Author

I went to the store with money in hand,
But the things that I wanted to buy,
They either had none, or they only had one,
And as usual the price was too high.
So when I came home I simply replaced
My money back safe on the shelf,
Went and sat down in my old easy chair
And began to take stock of myself.
Money can't buy a bright sunny day
With a few fleecy clouds in the blue.
Money can't buy a soft gentle rain,
Or a morning that sparkles with dew.
You can't buy compassion in packets or jars,
Or the wag of a friendly dog's tail.
You can't purchase friends by bushel or pound,
Or kindness in bundle or bale.
Money can't buy the songs of the birds,
Or the sound of the wind in the trees.
Money can't buy the magic of spring,
Or the low busy hum of the bees.
You can't buy a sunset or sky full of stars.
You can't buy the moon riding high.
You can't buy salvation, assurance, and peace,
Or heaven at last when you die.
And as I reflected on all of these things,
And God's word on which I rely,
My cup overflowed as I thanked the dear Lord
For all the things money can't buy.
